Hannah Healy

Most health professionals agree that portion control is one of the most important and often overlooked factors when it comes to losing weight. Some of us count calories on apps and some do a point system, but sometimes you don’t always know how many servings you’re having. Filling up your plate with a huge portion of snacks and thinking you’re just having 1 serving might be sabotaging your slim-down efforts. Wonder no more! This list of 10 portion control dishes will make it easy to cut down calories and bring awareness to the amount of food you’re really having in your everyday life.

1. Portion Control Wine Glass

Ok ok, we’ve all been there… we mark down “1 glass” of wine on our calorie counting app, but then fill the glass up to the tippy top. Hey, what’s wrong with having a nice bowl of wine, huh? Well, it will pack on the calories, sugar and carbs! This portion control wine glass has elegantly designed lines that are inconspicuous if you don’t want anyone to know you’re counting calories. The lines demarcate 4 and 6 ounces of wine so you know exactly how much you’re getting.

Buy it here.

2. Portion Control Place Setting

Studies show that eating food from a smaller plate may trick the brain into thinking you’re eating more food or at least it may encourage you to eat less and allow your body to digest and see if you’re full before eating more. Sometimes our eyes are bigger than our stomachs when we’re hungry, so we fill up a big plate to the brim and feel the need to finish it all even if we don’t realize we’re actually full. These portion control plates are the perfect solution. They have decorative lines that separate the plates surface into 3 sections; one big section for non-starchy vegetables, one for protein and one for starch or grains.

Buy it here.

3. Portion Control Plates

This set of portion control dishes includes a dinner plate, salad plate, bowl and cup all with nicely embellished proportion lines to guide you. The circles on the plate keeps you within healthy limits for protein, grains and veggies while the lines on the bowls and cup keep you from filling it too full.

Buy it here.

4. Portion Control Drinking Glasses

Want to make sure you’re getting plenty of water throughout the day? Want to limit your intake of calorie-containing beverages? This portion control glass is a beautiful way to do it without having to fiddle around with the measuring cups in front of your guests. The line on the glass shows you where to fill up for 8 ounces. If you fill it to the top it’s 12 ounces….easy peasy!

Buy it here.

5. Calorie Counting Wine Glass

This calorie counting wine glass takes it a step further when it comes to awareness about your consumption. With 5 marked lines to show you how many ounces and calories will be in your glass of wine, you can keep yourself from drinking all your calories and throwing your diet out the window….that is until you get to the “who cares” line!

Buy it here.

6. Portion Control Nut Bowl

We all know nuts are a great snack for those of us trying to lose a few pounds. They’re high protein, full of healthy fats and keep you full, but they’re also pretty calorie dense, so you want to be careful to make sure you don’t overindulge. This convenient bowl and scoop make it easy to stay within your limits. The top doubles as a scoop and the bowl has 2 lines to mark 1 or 2 servings.

Buy it here.

7. Portion Control Bowls

It can be easy to fill a bowl to overflowing with cereal and convince yourself you’re just having a “small” snack, but let’s be real….not all bowl sizes are the same, so you may be packing on the calories and thinking you’re just having 1 serving. This precise portion bowl has a decorative plant stalk with leaves adorning the inside to show you 4oz, 8oz, 12 oz, and 16oz. It even comes with 2 placemats that go over meal ideas, portion tips and more!

Buy it here.

8. EZ Heat Soup Container

Soup is a great slimming meal choice. It can be high in protein, loaded with veggies and you can make a huge batch for easy meals throughout the week. But if you’re taking it to work to and don’t want to eat cold soup or have to wait in line for the microwave, this convenient soup container keeps your soup hot and even contains a attached spoon so you don’t forget yours!

Buy it here.

9. Portion Control Reusable Lunch Containers

These portable tupperware containers make healthy packed lunches easy as pie. With lines to keep your portions in check and custom ice packs that slip into the lid, packing lunch has never been so simple or slimming!

Buy it here.

10. Small Mugs

These impossibly adorable mugs will not only make you feel like you’re in a fantasy tea party with all your best stuffed animal friends, but it will also help you cut down on portions! These mugs are much smaller than the standard mug, so enjoy a bit of hot cocoa without going overboard and your abs will thank you later.

Buy it here.

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